International politics

Beyond Rhetoric: Fostering Positive EU-China Partnerships for Growth


The member states of the European Union have structural, political, and economic problems that have not been solved for a long time, they are: Non-EU migrants, high cost and productive capacity, full independence as a third political and economic bloc. The EU Gateway project is still far from addressing these 3 issues, but it poses […]

Beyond Rhetoric: Fostering Positive EU-China Partnerships for Growth Read More »

UN Europa divisa e la sfida tra USA e Cina

L’Europa sta affrontando delle sfide importanti quando si tratta di prendere decisioni nel mondo complicato della politica globale. Si prospettano tempi bui sul fronte dei risultati effettivi. Ad esempio, recentemente, durante la crisi migratoria nel Mediterraneo, l’Unione europea è stata bloccata in un lungo processo politico per trovare un accordo sulla distribuzione dei migranti tra

UN Europa divisa e la sfida tra USA e Cina Read More »

A Divided Europe and the Challenge between the US and China

Europe is facing significant challenges when it comes to making decisions in the complex world of global politics. Dark times lie ahead in terms of achieving tangible results. For instance, during the recent Mediterranean migration crisis, the European Union found itself trapped in a lengthy political process to reach an agreement on the distribution of

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